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506 resultados

GARCH Models in R

Specify and fit GARCH models to forecast time-varying volatility and value-at-risk.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserKris BoudtLearncurso

Forecasting Product Demand in R

Learn how to identify important drivers of demand, look at seasonal effects, and predict demand for a hierarchy of products from a real world example.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserAric LaBarrLearncurso

Predicting CTR with Machine Learning in Python

Learn how to predict click-through rates on ads and implement basic machine learning models in Python so that you can see how to better optimize your ads.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserKevin HuoLearncurso

Market Basket Analysis in R

Explore association rules in market basket analysis with R by analyzing retail data and creating movie recommendations.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagManipulación de datosUserChristopher BruffaertsLearncurso

Analyzing Social Media Data in R

Extract and visualize Twitter data, perform sentiment and network analysis, and map the geolocation of your tweets.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagManipulación de datosUserVivek VijayaraghavanLearncurso

Business Process Analytics in R

Learn how to analyze business processes in R and extract actionable insights from enormous sets of event data.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagInformesUserGert JanssenswillenLearncurso

Probability Puzzles in R

Learn strategies for answering probability questions in R by solving a variety of probability puzzles.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserPeter ChiLearncurso

Fraud Detection in R

Learn to detect fraud with analytics in R.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserBart BaesensLearncurso

Parallel Programming in R

Unlock the power of parallel computing in R. Enhance your data analysis skills, speed up computations, and process large datasets effortlessly.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserNabeel ImamLearncurso

Intermediate Regular Expressions in R

Manipulate text data, analyze it and more by mastering regular expressions and string distances in R.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserBenja ZehrLearncurso

Introduction to Anomaly Detection in R

Learn statistical tests for identifying outliers and how to use sophisticated anomaly scoring algorithms.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserDataCamp Content CreatorLearncurso

Equity Valuation in R

Learn the fundamentals of valuing stocks.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserClifford AngLearncurso

Scalable Data Processing in R

Learn how to write scalable code for working with big data in R using the bigmemory and iotools packages.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserMichael KaneLearncurso

Choice Modeling for Marketing in R

Learn to analyze and model customer choice data in R.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserDataCamp Content CreatorLearncurso

Defensive R Programming

Learn defensive programming in R to make your code more robust.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserColin GillespieLearncurso

Data Manipulation in Julia

Master the essential skills of data manipulation in Julia. Learn how to inspect, transform, group, and visualize DataFrames using real-world datasets.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagManipulación de datosUserKaterina ZahradovaLearncurso

Mixture Models in R

Learn mixture models: a convenient and formal statistical framework for probabilistic clustering and classification.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserVictor MedinaLearncurso

Optimizing R Code with Rcpp

Use C++ to dramatically boost the performance of your R code.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserTeam ThinkRLearncurso

Introduction to Data Visualization with Julia

Master data visualization in Julia. Learn how to make stunning plots while understanding when and how to use them.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagVisualización de datosUserGustavo Vieira SuneLearncurso

Building Response Models in R

Learn to build simple models of market response to increase the effectiveness of your marketing plans.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserDataCamp Content CreatorLearncurso

Predictive Analytics using Networked Data in R

Learn to predict labels of nodes in networks using network learning and by extracting descriptive features from the network

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserBart BaesensLearncurso

Case Studies: Network Analysis in R

Apply fundamental concepts in network analysis to large real-world datasets in 4 different case studies.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserTed HartLearncurso

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