Análisis financiero en Power BI
Aprende a realizar análisis financiero en Power BI o aplica tus habilidades financieras con visualizaciones.
Siga videos cortos dirigidos por instructores expertos y luego practique lo que ha aprendido con ejercicios interactivos en su navegador.
Aprende a realizar análisis financiero en Power BI o aplica tus habilidades financieras con visualizaciones.
In this Introduction to DevOps, you’ll master the DevOps basics and learn the key concepts, tools, and techniques to improve productivity.
Learn how to build your own SQL reports and dashboards, plus hone your data exploration, cleaning, and validation skills.
Master sampling to get more accurate statistics with less data.
Reshape DataFrames from a wide to long format, stack and unstack rows and columns, and wrangle multi-index DataFrames.
In this interactive course, you’ll learn how to use functions for your Tableau calculations and when you should use them!
Learn to create your own Python packages to make your code easier to use and share with others.
Aprende a desarrollar modelos de deep learning con Keras.
Learn how to clean data with Apache Spark in Python.
In this conceptual course (no coding required), you will learn about the four major NoSQL databases and popular engines.
In this course, you’ll explore the modern MLOps framework, exploring the lifecycle and deployment of machine learning models.
Sharpen your skills in Oracle SQL including SQL basics, aggregating, combining, and customizing data.
Learn about Large Language Models (LLMs) and how they are reshaping the business world.
Master data preparation, cleaning, and analysis in Alteryx Designer, whether you are a new or seasoned analyst.
Learn how to calculate meaningful measures of risk and performance, and how to compile an optimal portfolio for the desired risk and return trade-off.
Explore AI and data monetization strategies, build ethical infrastructures, and align products with business goals.
Domina la seguridad, gobernanza y optimización de costos en AWS para la certificación Cloud Practitioner.
Learn how to blend business, data, and AI, and set goals to drive success with an effectively scalable AI Strategy.
Aprende a preparar datos para solicitudes de crédito y aplicar machine learning y reglas para una mejor seguridad y rentabilidad.
Get your AI Act together! Understand the obligations, risks, and requirements of the EU AI Act.
Create interactive data visualizations in Python using Plotly.
In this course you will learn how to predict future events using linear regression, generalized additive models, random forests, and xgboost.
Domina NoSQL y mejora los flujos de datos. Aprende Snowflake, Postgres JSON y Redis.
Learn the practical uses of A/B testing in Python to run and analyze experiments. Master p-values, sanity checks, and analysis to guide business decisions.
Learn techniques to extract useful information from text and process them into a format suitable for machine learning.
Learn the fundamentals of data visualization using Google Sheets.
Learn to implement custom trading strategies in Python, backtest them, and evaluate their performance!
Learn how to draw conclusions about a population from a sample of data via a process known as statistical inference.
Learn techniques for automated hyperparameter tuning in Python, including Grid, Random, and Informed Search.
Discover different types in data modeling, including for prediction, and learn how to conduct linear regression and model assessment measures in the Tidyverse.