Case Study: Competitor Sales Analysis in Power BI
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Power BIVisualización de datos4 horas4 vídeos20 ejercicios1,650 XP3,082Declaración de cumplimiento
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Descripción del curso
Apply Your Skills with a Power BI Case Study
This Power BI case study follows a real-world business use case where you will apply the concepts of ETL and visualization.From Power Query to Power BI
Through Power BI and Power Query Editor, you will work on the development of a complete Power BI report, starting from the data integration from multiple sources, data transformation, modeling, and then visualization.Carry Out Detailed Analysis
You will carry out a sales and market share analysis, focusing not only on the company's performance internally, reflecting on how well the products sell, but also externally analyzing how well they are doing against competing manufacturers. Thus, business users can make informed decisions and actions on their data.By the end of this case study, you’ll have a stronger understanding of competitor sales analysis and have more confidence in using Power BI on your own datasets.
Data Modeling in Power BIDAX Functions in Power BIReport Design in Power BI1
Preparing your Data and Model
Discovering Sales Trends
Creating a Data-Driven Story
Case Study: Competitor Sales Analysis in Power BI
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