Case Study: Ecommerce Analysis in Tableau
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Descripción del curso
Use Your Tableau Skills With a Practical Case Study
First, you’ll analyze the sales dataset and find out which products are frequently bought together and in what quantity. You will then make upsell and cross-sell recommendations by building a market basket analysis.Next, you’ll need to address the fact that shipping costs remain a big expense for online retailers. You’ll work on strategies such as shipping more of the same product to reduce per-unit costs. You will also need to understand where the customers are and what they buy to make recommendations to the management for a new warehouse location.
Analyze The Data and Visualize Your Findings
As you collate your findings, you’ll create calculated fields and various visualizations in Tableau, such as dual-axis graphs, highlight tables, and maps. Finally, you'll use filters and parameters to make your graphs dynamic and combine everything into a story to share your recommendations.Prerrequisitos
Analyzing Data in Tableau1
Data Exploration
Ecommerce Analytics
Visualize Your Analysis
Case Study: Ecommerce Analysis in Tableau
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