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Communicating with Data in the Tidyverse

Updated 12/2024
Leverage the power of tidyverse tools to create publication-quality graphics and custom-styled reports that communicate your results.
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Descripción del curso

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Indeed, successfully promoting your data analysis is not only a matter of accurate and effective graphics, but also of aesthetics and uniqueness. This course teaches you how to leverage the power of ggplot2 themes for producing publication-quality graphics that stick out from the mass of boilerplate plots out there. It shows you how to tweak and get the most out of ggplot2 in order to produce unconventional plots that draw attention on social media. In the end, you will combine that knowledge to produce a slick and custom-styled report with RMarkdown and CSS – all of that within the powerful tidyverse.


Introduction to the Tidyverse

Custom ggplot2 Themes

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Creating a Custom and Unique Visualization

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Introduction to RMarkdown

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Customizing Your RMarkdown Report

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Communicating with Data in the Tidyverse

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