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Data Literacy Case Study: Remote Working Analysis

Improve data literacy skills by analyzing remote working policies.

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Descripción del curso

Ready to apply your data literacy skills to a real-world case study?

Explore The Benefits of Remote Working

In this case study, you’ll use your data literacy skills to work as a consultant for a fictitious company and investigate its current remote working policy and ways to improve it.

Tackle Real-World Problem From Start to Finish

Through hands-on exercises, you’ll go step-by-step from identifying the business problem to communicating the right insights. You’ll practice data literacy skills, including breaking the business problem down to analytical questions, choosing the right type of analytics, communicating insights effectively using visualizations and narrative structure, and formulating recommendations for your clients.

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Pruebe DataCamp Para EmpresasPara obtener una solución a medida, reserve una demostración.

En las siguientes pistas

Certificación disponible

Profesional de la Alfabetización Informática

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  1. 1

    Getting to Know the Case Study


    Polaris Tech has hired you as a consultant to help them improve their remote working policy. They have a dataset they wish you and your team to analyze. To start, you'll get to know the business problem and the dataset better. You'll also plan out your analysis strategy from problem to actionable insights.

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora
    Getting to know the case study
    50 xp
    Defining analytical questions
    50 xp
    Looking at the raw data
    50 xp
    Investigating frequencies
    50 xp
    From problem to insights
    50 xp
    The data-driven process
    100 xp
    Quantitative vs. qualitative variables
    100 xp
    Which type of analytics?
    50 xp
    Working towards insights
    50 xp
  2. 2

    Investigating Remote Working Habits

    Now that you’ve planned out your analysis strategy and got to know the data, it is time for the main analysis of the remote working survey. You’ll follow along with your team and practice how to build up to delivering actionable insights for Polaris Tech. Once the results are in, you’ll practice how to use communication tools like visualizations, narrative structure, and the right format to help Polaris Tech make the most of its data.

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Obtenga acceso de su equipo a la biblioteca completa de DataCamp, con informes centralizados, tareas, proyectos y más

En las siguientes pistas

Certificación disponible

Profesional de la Alfabetización Informática

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Collaborator's avatar
Maarten Van den Broeck
Collaborator's avatar
Anneleen Rummens
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Jess Ahmet
Collaborator's avatar
Joe Franklin

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Maarten Van den Broeck's avatar
Maarten Van den Broeck

requisitos previos

Introduction to Data Literacy
Anneleen Rummens HeadshotAnneleen Rummens

Freelance Data Scientist

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