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Improving Query Performance in SQL Server

Updated 12/2024
In this course, students will learn to write queries that are both efficient and easy to read and understand.
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SQLDesarrollo de software4 horas16 vídeos58 ejercicios4,450 XP21,914Declaración de cumplimiento

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Descripción del curso

A mission critical assignment is depending on your SQL coding skills. You’ve been given some code to fix. It is giving the results you need but it’s running too slow, and it’s poorly formatted making it hard to read. The deadline is tomorrow. You’ll need to reformat the code and try different methods to improve performance. The pressure is on!!! In this course we’ll be using SQL on real world datasets, from sports and geoscience, to look at good coding practices and different ways how we can can improve the performance of queries to achieve the same outcome.


Intermediate SQL Server

Introduction, Review and The Order of Things

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Filtering and Data Interrogation

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Sub-queries and presence or absence

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Query performance tuning

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Improving Query Performance in SQL Server

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