Large Language Models for Business
Updated 12/2024Comienza el curso gratis
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Descripción del curso
Learn about Large Language Models (LLMs)
Large Language Models (LLMs) aren’t magic. In this course, you’ll build confidence in the common techniques and terminology in the new AI-powered era and understand how LLMs can enhance your workflow.Business Impact of Large Language Models
Referencing the successes of top organizations, discover how you can utilize LLMs today to prepare for tomorrow’s business world. Grasp their foundational elements to equip you with key insights into LLMs’ impact on modern business, so you know when to apply them yourself.Challenges and considerations
You’ll tackle key ethical and environmental facets linked to LLMs in the business context, including data privacy and sustainability considerations.By the time you complete the course, you’ll have a targeted understanding of LLMs’ impact, potential, and challenges in business—vital for any professional looking to stay ahead of the AI curve.
No hay requisitos previos para este curso1
The Rise of LLMs in the Business Realm
LLMs Solutions
Large Language Models for Business
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