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Transactions and Error Handling in SQL Server

Updated 12/2024
Learn to write scripts that will catch and handle errors and control for multiple operations happening at once.
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SQLDesarrollo de software4 horas14 vídeos52 ejercicios3,850 XP14,186Declaración de cumplimiento

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Descripción del curso

It is critical to know how to handle errors and manage transactions when programming SQL scripts. Unhandled errors can be very harmful and can cause unexpected situations, such as inconsistent data in your database, or even worse, errors can lead you to make wrong business decisions. In this course, you will learn how to handle errors and discover how to manage transactions in case of an error. Additionally, you will study what happens when two or more people interact at the same time with the same data. You will practice all these concepts using two datasets, one of them based on bank accounts and the other one on an electric bike store.


Intermediate SQL Server

Starting with error handling

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Raising, throwing and customizing your errors

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Transactions in SQL Server

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Controlling the concurrency: Transaction isolation levels

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Transactions and Error Handling in SQL Server

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