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Visualizing Time Series Data in R

Learn how to visualize time series in R, then practice with a stock-picking case study.

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Descripción del curso

As the saying goes, “A chart is worth a thousand words”. This is why visualization is the most used and powerful way to get a better understanding of your data. After this course you will have a very good overview of R time series visualisation capabilities and you will be able to better decide which model to choose for subsequent analysis. You will be able to also convey the message you want to deliver in an efficient and beautiful way.

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En las siguientes pistas

Analista cuantitativo con R

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Series temporales con R

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  1. 1

    R Time Series Visualization Tools


    This chapter will introduce you to basic R time series visualization tools.

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora
    Refresher on xts and the plot() function
    50 xp
    plot() function quiz
    50 xp
    plot() function - basic parameters
    100 xp
    plot() function - basic parameters (2)
    100 xp
    Control graphic parameters
    100 xp
    Graphic parameters quiz
    50 xp
    Other useful visualizing functions
    50 xp
    Adding an extra series to an existing chart
    100 xp
    Highlighting events in a time series
    100 xp
    Highlighting a specific period in a time series
    100 xp
    A fancy stock chart
    100 xp
    A fancy stock chart (2)
    100 xp
  2. 2

    Univariate Time Series

    Univariate plots are designed to learn as much as possible about the distribution, central tendency and spread of the data at hand. In this chapter you will be presented with some visual tools used to diagnose univariate times series.

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  3. 3

    Multivariate Time Series

    What to do if you have to deal with multivariate time series? In this chapter, you will learn how to identify patterns in the distribution, central tendency and spread over pairs or groups of data.

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  4. 4

    Case study: Visually Selecting a Stock That Improves Your Existing Portfolio

    Let's put everything you learned so far in practice! Imagine you already own a portfolio of stocks and you have some spare cash to invest, how can you wisely select a new stock to invest your additional cash? Analyzing the statistical properties of individual stocks vs. an existing portfolio is a good way of approaching the problem.

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En las siguientes pistas

Analista cuantitativo con R

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Series temporales con R

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conjuntos de datos

Returns for XOM, C, MSFT, DOW, and YHOOExisting portfolioStock data for GS, KO, DIS, and CATDaily stocks for YHOO, MSFT, C, and DOWDaily returns for AppleOld versus new portfolio


Collaborator's avatar
Lore Dirick
Collaborator's avatar
Davis Vaughan
Arnaud Amsellem HeadshotArnaud Amsellem

Quantitative Trader and creator of the R Trader blog

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