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Writing Functions and Stored Procedures in SQL Server

Updated 12/2024
Master SQL Server programming by learning to create, update, and execute functions and stored procedures.
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Descripción del curso

Take your SQL Server programming to the next level. First, we demystify how to manipulate datetime data by performing temporal exploratory data analysis with the Washington DC BikeShare transactional dataset. Then, you’ll master how to create, update, and execute user-defined functions and stored procedures. You will learn the proper context for each modular programming tool and best practices. In the final chapter, you will apply all of your new skills to solve a real-world business case identifying the New York City yellow taxi utilization for each borough, and which pickup locations should be scheduled for each driver shift.


Functions for Manipulating Data in SQL Server

Temporal EDA, Variables & Date Manipulation

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User Defined Functions

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Stored Procedures

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NYC Taxi Ride Case Study

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Writing Functions and Stored Procedures in SQL Server

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