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Cursos de ciencia de datos

Siga videos cortos dirigidos por instructores expertos y luego practique lo que ha aprendido con ejercicios interactivos en su navegador.

  • Aprende a tu propio ritmo
  • Obtén experiencia práctica
  • Capítulos completos del tamaño de un bocado
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506 resultados

Working with Hugging Face

Navigate and use the extensive repository of models and datasets available on the Hugging Face Hub.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagInteligencia artificialUserJacob MarquezLearncurso

Análisis financiero en el poder BI

Aprende a realizar análisis financiero en Power BI o aplica tus habilidades financieras con visualizaciones.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserNick EdwardsLearncurso

Case Study: Analyzing Customer Churn in Tableau

You will investigate a dataset from a fictitious company called Databel in Tableau, and need to figure out why customers are churning.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagVisualización de datosUserCarl RosseelLearncurso

Marketing Analytics for Business

Discover how Marketing Analysts use data to understand customers and drive business growth.

Clock2-3 horasTagLiderazgoUserSarah DeAtleyLearncurso

Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost

Learn the fundamentals of gradient boosting and build state-of-the-art machine learning models using XGBoost to solve classification and regression problems.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserSergey FogelsonLearncurso

Hypothesis Testing in R

Learn how and when to use hypothesis testing in R, including t-tests, proportion tests, and chi-square tests.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserRichie CottonLearncurso

Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)

Build the foundation you need to think statistically and to speak the language of your data.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserJustin BoisLearncurso

Reporting in SQL

Learn how to build your own SQL reports and dashboards, plus hone your data exploration, cleaning, and validation skills.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagInformesUserTyler PernesLearncurso

Cleaning Data with PySpark

Learn how to clean data with Apache Spark in Python.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagPreparación de datosUserMike MetzgerLearncurso

Analyzing Marketing Campaigns with pandas

Build up your pandas skills and answer marketing questions by merging, slicing, visualizing, and more!

ClockMás de 3 horasTagAnálisis exploratorio de datosUserJay RosokLearncurso

Writing Efficient R Code

Learn to write faster R code, discover benchmarking and profiling, and unlock the secrets of parallel programming.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserColin GillespieLearncurso

Large Language Models for Business

Learn about Large Language Models (LLMs) and how they are reshaping the business world.

Clock1-2 horasTagInteligencia artificialUserIason PrassidesLearncurso

Cleaning Data in PostgreSQL Databases

Learn to tame your raw, messy data stored in a PostgreSQL database to extract accurate insights.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagPreparación de datosUserDarryl Reeves Ph.DLearncurso

Introduction to Bash Scripting

Bash scripting allows you to build analytics pipelines in the cloud and work with data stored across multiple files.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserAlex ScrivenLearncurso

Introduction to Data Security

Discover how to become a data defender and keep data safe and secure with this beginner-friendly interactive course.

Clock2-3 horasTagGestión de datosUserAngeline CorvagliaLearncurso

Reshaping Data with pandas

Reshape DataFrames from a wide to long format, stack and unstack rows and columns, and wrangle multi-index DataFrames.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagManipulación de datosUserMaria Eugenia InzaugaratLearncurso

Introduction to Writing Functions in R

Take your R skills up a notch by learning to write efficient, reusable functions.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserRichie CottonLearncurso

Dimensionality Reduction in Python

Understand the concept of reducing dimensionality in your data, and master the techniques to do so in Python.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserJeroen BoeyeLearncurso

Working with Llama 3

Explore the latest techniques for running the Llama LLM locally, fine-tuning it, and integrating it within your stack.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagInteligencia artificialUserImtihan AhmedLearncurso

Intermediate Google Sheets

Expand your Google Sheets vocabulary by diving deeper into data types, including numeric data, logical data, and missing data.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagPreparación de datosUserRichie CottonLearncurso

Regresión intermedia en R

Aprende a realizar regresión lineal y logística con múltiples variables explicativas.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserRichie CottonLearncurso

Modelado del riesgo crediticio en Python

Aprende a preparar los datos de solicitudes de crédito y a aplicar machine learning y reglas empresariales para reducir el riesgo y garantizar la rentabilidad.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserMichael CrabtreeLearncurso

Reporting with R Markdown

R Markdown is an easy-to-use formatting language for authoring dynamic reports from R code.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagInformesUserAmy PetersonLearncurso

NoSQL Concepts

In this conceptual course (no coding required), you will learn about the four major NoSQL databases and popular engines.

Clock2-3 horasTagIngeniería de datosUserMiriam AntonaLearncurso

Feature Engineering for NLP in Python

Learn techniques to extract useful information from text and process them into a format suitable for machine learning.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserRounak BanikLearncurso

Introduction to Statistics in Google Sheets

Learn how to leverage statistical techniques using spreadsheets to more effectively work with and extract insights from your data.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserTed KwartlerLearncurso

Intermediate ChatGPT

Learn the architecture behind GPT models and master advanced prompt crafting to unlock ChatGPTs full potential.

Clock1-2 horasTagInteligencia artificialUserAlex BanksLearncurso

Nivel de habilidad

