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Visualizing Time Series Data in Python

Visualize seasonality, trends and other patterns in your time series data.

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4 horas17 vídeos59 ejercicios
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Descripción del curso

Time series data is omnipresent in the field of Data Science. Whether it is analyzing business trends, forecasting company revenue or exploring customer behavior, every data scientist is likely to encounter time series data at some point during their work. To get you started on working with time series data, this course will provide practical knowledge on visualizing time series data using Python.

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En las siguientes pistas

Series temporales con Python

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  1. 1

    Line Plots


    You will learn how to leverage basic plottings tools in Python, and how to annotate and personalize your time series plots. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to take any static dataset and produce compelling plots of your data.

    Reproducir Capítulo Ahora
    Welcome to the course!
    50 xp
    Load your time series data
    100 xp
    Test whether your data is of the correct type
    100 xp
    Plot your first time series
    50 xp
    Your first plot!
    100 xp
    Specify plot styles
    100 xp
    Display and label plots
    100 xp
    Customize your time series plot
    50 xp
    Subset time series data
    100 xp
    Add vertical and horizontal markers
    100 xp
    Add shaded regions to your plot
    100 xp

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Obtenga acceso de su equipo a la biblioteca completa de DataCamp, con informes centralizados, tareas, proyectos y más

En las siguientes pistas

Series temporales con Python

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conjuntos de datos

Inventions and Scientific DiscoveriesCO2 levels in Mauai HawaiiAirline passengersProduction of meat in USAUnemployment rate in USA


Collaborator's avatar
Lore Dirick
Collaborator's avatar
Sumedh Panchadhar
Thomas Vincent HeadshotThomas Vincent

Head of Data Science at Getty Images

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