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Cursos de ciencia de datos

Siga videos cortos dirigidos por instructores expertos y luego practique lo que ha aprendido con ejercicios interactivos en su navegador.

  • Aprende a tu propio ritmo
  • Obtén experiencia práctica
  • Capítulos completos del tamaño de un bocado
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275 resultados

Visualización intermedia de datos con ggplot2

Aprende a usar facetas, sistemas de coordenadas y estadísticas en ggplot2 para crear gráficos explicativos.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagVisualización de datosUserRick ScavettaLearncurso

Regresión intermedia en R

Aprende a realizar regresión lineal y logística con múltiples variables explicativas.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserRichie CottonLearncurso

Modelado del riesgo crediticio en Python

Aprende a preparar los datos de solicitudes de crédito y a aplicar machine learning y reglas empresariales para reducir el riesgo y garantizar la rentabilidad.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserMichael CrabtreeLearncurso

Reporting with R Markdown

R Markdown is an easy-to-use formatting language for authoring dynamic reports from R code.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagInformesUserAmy PetersonLearncurso

NoSQL Concepts

In this conceptual course (no coding required), you will learn about the four major NoSQL databases and popular engines.

Clock2-3 horasTagIngeniería de datosUserMiriam AntonaLearncurso

Reshaping Data with tidyr

Transform almost any dataset into a tidy format to make analysis easier.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagManipulación de datosUserJeroen BoeyeLearncurso

Sampling in R

Master sampling to get more accurate statistics with less data.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserRichie CottonLearncurso

A/B Testing in Python

Learn the practical uses of A/B testing in Python to run and analyze experiments. Master p-values, sanity checks, and analysis to guide business decisions.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserMoe Lotfy, PhDLearncurso

Biomedical Image Analysis in Python

Learn the fundamentals of exploring, manipulating, and measuring biomedical image data.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagManipulación de datosUserStephen BaileyLearncurso

Model Validation in Python

Learn the basics of model validation, validation techniques, and begin creating validated and high performing models.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserKasey JonesLearncurso

Building Chatbots in Python

Learn the fundamentals of how to build conversational bots using rule-based systems as well as machine learning.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserAlan NicholLearncurso

Financial Trading in Python

Learn to implement custom trading strategies in Python, backtest them, and evaluate their performance!

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserChelsea YangLearncurso

Responsible AI Data Management

Learn the theory behind responsibly managing your data for any AI project, from start to finish and beyond.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagInteligencia artificialUserMaria ProkofievaLearncurso

Developing Machine Learning Models for Production

Shift to an MLOps mindset, enabling you to train, document, maintain, and scale your machine learning models to their fullest potential.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserSinan OzdemirLearncurso

Visualización intermedia de datos con Seaborn

Utiliza las herramientas avanzadas de visualización de Seaborn para crear visualizaciones hermosas e informativas.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagVisualización de datosUserChris MoffittLearncurso

Sentiment Analysis in Python

Are customers thrilled with your products or is your service lacking? Learn how to perform an end-to-end sentiment analysis task.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserVioleta MishevaLearncurso

Natural Language Processing with spaCy

Master the core operations of spaCy and train models for natural language processing. Extract information from unstructured data and match patterns.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserAzadeh MobasherLearncurso

RNA-Seq with Bioconductor in R

Use RNA-Seq differential expression analysis to identify genes likely to be important for different diseases or conditions.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserMary PiperLearncurso

Intermediate Docker

Master multi-stage builds, Docker networking tools, and Docker Compose for optimal containerized applications!

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserMike MetzgerLearncurso

Introduction to Portfolio Risk Management in Python

Evaluate portfolio risk and returns, construct market-cap weighted equity portfolios and learn how to forecast and hedge market risk via scenario generation.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagFinanzas aplicadasUserDakota WixomLearncurso

Statistical Techniques in Tableau

Take your reporting skills to the next level with Tableau’s built-in statistical functions.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserMaarten Van den BroeckLearncurso

Time Series Analysis in SQL Server

Explore ways to work with date and time data in SQL Server for time series analysis

ClockMás de 3 horasTagManipulación de datosUserMaham KhanLearncurso

Building Web Applications with Shiny in R

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps directly in R, allowing your team to explore your data as dashboards or visualizations.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagDesarrollo de softwareUserRamnath VaidyanathanLearncurso

Machine Learning for Finance in Python

Learn to model and predict stock data values using linear models, decision trees, random forests, and neural networks.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserNathan GeorgeLearncurso

Hyperparameter Tuning in Python

Learn techniques for automated hyperparameter tuning in Python, including Grid, Random, and Informed Search.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagMachine LearningUserAlex ScrivenLearncurso

Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 2)

Learn to perform the two key tasks in statistical inference: parameter estimation and hypothesis testing.

ClockMás de 3 horasTagProbabilidad y estadísticaUserJustin BoisLearncurso

Nivel de habilidad

